Are you struggling to find harmony in your body??
As women we are constantly in a constant ebb & flow with our internal hormones and the outside world.
This is normal.
What’s NOT normal (though it may be common) are the symptoms that come from imbalance!
If you are you experiencing . . . .
- Heavy or painful periods
- Irregular periods
- Prolonged spotting
- Short luteal phases
- Breast tenderness
- Headaches
- Insomnia or sleep issues
- Fatigue
- Mood swings or irritability
- Weight imbalances that feel out of your control
- Depression, Anxiety
- Hormonal imbalances
- Fertility challenges
- Cyclical or hormonal acne
- Gas or Bloating
- Heartburn or acid reflux
- Overall Poor digestion
- Brain fog
- Eczema or rashes
- and the list goes on . . . . .
These can ALL be signs of potential imbalances or deficiencies! AND it is NOT all in your head!
Our bodies are SO wise and they constantly provide us with feedback through symptoms all in an attempt to let us know that they need support. Sometimes with time and attention these symptoms can resolve, particularly when we are willing to listen when our body first begins to whisper that things are wrong - we can intuitively choose supplements, herbs, or lifestyle changes to help. But sometimes, the body + our soul desire more detailed support and attention in order to return to a state of true health, wellness, + thriving.
I speak from experience when I say that bandaid interventions (addressing the symptom and not the true root cause of the symptom) will only work for so long before the whispers of the body become loud cries, welcoming us (some may call this "forcing" us) back in, encouraging us to care for the temple that has carried us this far. I see this time and time again, and I promise you that your temple truly desires to partner with you in your health + healing journey and anything you are experiencing is all an invitation to trust, to seek support, and to re-remember that your body was designed to always find it's way back to balance + homeostasis.
Root Cause Medicine
Root cause medicine is a term commonly used in the functional medicine world that speaks to the fact that our symptoms are merely an expression of deeper (root cause) issues. For example, painful periods are often spoken of as "normal" but the truth is these are often tied to inflammation, imbalanced hormones, environmental toxins, gut issues, stress, nutrient deficiencies, circadian rhythm imbalances/poor sleep, belief patterns/societal or familial programming, and more.
Root cause medicine offers us the opportunity to do the deeper investigation to get to the bottom of what is truly causing the symptoms so that we an address + heal things in order to find true symptom resolution.
Every practitioner has a different approach to root cause medicine,
Dr. Mona's root cause beliefs
- Our body + soul desire to partner WITH us in our journey. Symptoms are merely our body + soul’s KIND ways of pointing us to where there is DIS-EASE or imbalance that needs support
- ALWAYS start with the basic pillars of health and add on as needed. Just like a house, we need a healthy foundation to thrive. This means looking at diet, lifestyle, sleep, low-tox living, gut + liver health, stress support, connection to community, purpose, + Source then we aren't addressing the necessary foundations that maintain
- Get specific tests when needed or desired. There are SPECIFIC TESTS that can be done to give you clear answers on the actual root cause of your symptoms and that can guide you in OPTIMALLY supporting your gut, cycle, hormones, + overall wellbeing! 99% of the time these more detailed blood, hormone, gut, food, and mineral tests are NOT going to be offered to you by the traditional western medical system because insurance + big pharma doesn't make money when you are well. I know this is OBNOXIOUS! I lived this experience for years trying to improve my own IBS, insomnia, anxiety, and painful periods. But there is HOPE and these deeper, functional medicine based tests have been integral in my own healing and that of many clients!
- In addition to testing, I very much believe our past experiences, traumas, personal beliefs about our capacity to experience our health + life differently, and our chosen soul energies (Human Design) ALL play a massive "root cause" for many of the dis-eases we experience in life
- Meet yourself, your body, + your stories with kindness + loving along the way! When we step into a healing container willing to BE WITH whatever comes up, willing to look at ourselves as the WHOLE being we truly are, willing to listen + attune to our internal guidance systems, magic awaits...
Are you ready to re-claim your body harmony and the life that you desire + deserve??
If you're ready to step into deeply HOLISTIC support that gives you clear guidance based on specific testing and an integrated mind-body-spirit-womb approach so that you can better understand your body, hormones, cycles, fertility, and symptoms - then welcome in!
Body Harmony
is uniquely designed for each individual (or couple) based on YOUR specific concerns, symptoms, test results + what I think will provide YOU with the most clarity + guidance in returning to the deep state of wellness that your body was designed for.
Two options for working with Dr. Mona...
Dr. Mona works with clients in either a 6-12 month container or in individual one-off sessions based on your goals, needs, desires, and based on what she believes would best serve you in your current path of healing
Option 1. Detailed Support Container
Recommended for those with ongoing or notable cycle, gut, and hormone imbalances, those with persistent dis-ease in the body, those with known chronic health conditions, those new to holistic health or root cause medicine, those who really want to shift their stories, experiences, + ways of being NOW with the support + love that you know you deserve. Our bodies thrive with detailed attention, guidance, testing, accountability, and the capacity to be in FLOW + conversation with what the body + soul are currently asking of us! Having regular calls allows us to check in on how you + the current plan are working and make adjustments to ensure OPTIMAL OUTCOMES!
- 6-12 months of energetic support + guidance from Dr Mona, a doctor of nursing practice, integrative health practitioner, + Human Design chart reader
- 1-2 private educational health consultations per month number (90minute intake and 60 minute followups). Private sessions include: A thorough review of your health intake, medical history, current concerns, holistic health goals, and review of labs/testing. Detailed holistic conversations + ever-evolving health plan of action that takes into account your WHOLE being. Option to integrate Human Design guided-specific support for health, diet, environment support based on your unique soul energetics. Please note: This is holistic and integrative hormone coaching and not a medical visit and/or diagnosis(es). For more information please visit the FAQ page
- Email support between sessions. Holding all our questions and concerns until we see someone does NOT serve us or our progress. When we are on a health journey + actively looking to change our story + way of being, questions often come up about our symptoms, health plans, tests, etc. and I'm so happy to support you in that!
- Detailed wellness plan + individualized recommendations to address your unique situation + concerns. Plans are customized based on targeted testing, current symptoms, and with your WHOLE picture in mind and include a combination of food medicine/diet, lifestyle, customized herbs + supplements, and mind-body actions you can take to begin to bring your body back into alignment. We continually shift this based on your responses, improvements, and current needs to ensure the work is forever honoring your body's current evolution + needs
- Comprehensive, functional-based testing which may include a combination of the following: bloodwork, GIMAP gut microbiome testing, food inflammation/sensitivity testing, and/or DUTCH Complete sex + adrenal hormone testing (further testing details here)
- 15% off customized herbs & supplement recommendations from Dr Mona’s Fullscript account!
- Provider discounts on testing
- Special discounts on future 1:1 sessions with Dr. Mona
Option 2. One-off Support Calls
Recommended for those who have previously worked with Dr. Mona, those who have a solid holistic health knowledge base + overall healthy body and cycles but are in need of or wanting testing to optimize conditions, medical providers who want another trusted providers input, and/or those who are in financial hardship and would like a deeper container but can not afford it at this time.
- 60 or 90 minute private educational health consultation. Private sessions include: A thorough review of your health intake, medical history, current concerns, holistic health goals, and review of labs/testing. Detailed holistic conversations + ever-evolving health plan of action that takes into account your WHOLE being. Option to integrate Human Design guided-specific support for health, diet, environment support based on your unique soul energetics. Please note: This is holistic and integrative hormone coaching and not a medical visit and/or diagnosis(es). For more information please visit the FAQ page
- Detailed wellness plan + individualized recommendations to address your unique situation + concerns. Plans are customized based on targeted testing, current symptoms, and with your WHOLE picture in mind and include a combination of food medicine/diet, lifestyle, customized herbs + supplements, and mind-body actions you can take to begin to bring your body back into alignment. We continually shift this based on your responses, improvements, and current needs to ensure the work is forever honoring your body's current evolution + needs
- Comprehensive, functional-based testing which may include a combination of the following: bloodwork, GIMAP gut microbiome testing, food inflammation/sensitivity testing, and/or DUTCH Complete sex + adrenal hormone testing (further testing details here)
- NO additional email or messaging support between sessions
- 15% off customized herbs & supplement recommendations from Dr Mona’s Fullscript account!
- Provider discounts on testing
My two MOST popular packages...
PACKAGE 1 - Gut focused healing
$3111 pay-in-full (save ~10%!) or $577 per month x 6 months
*pricing includes testing
- 6 months of support
- 4 private educational health consults. One 90 minute intake and three 60 minute followup sessions
- Email support between sessions
- Select Functional Testing
- Full functional bloodwork panel to evaluate/screen for anemia, mineral/nutrient deficiencies, kidney/liver function, thyroid function, cholesterol, blood sugar status, and inflammation
- GIMAP gut microbiome testing to evaluate the health of the normal flora as well as bacterial/virus/fungal/parasite overgrowth, digestive capacity, inflammation, detox support, gluten sensitivity, leaky gut, and more
- Additional details about the above tests can be found here. *Additional/followup tests available at an added cost
- Detailed, ever-evolving holistic wellness plan
- 15% off supplements through Dr. Mona's Fullscript
PACKAGE 2 - Gut + Hormone transformational healing
$5555 pay-in-full (save ~10%!) or $777 x 8 months
*pricing includes testing
- 8 months of support
- 8 private educational health consults. One 90 minute intake and 60 minute followup sessions including a Human Design reading focused on how you can make larger life decisions plus specific diet + environment choices that are best suited for your specific body energetics
- Email support between sessions
- Select Functional Testing
- Full functional bloodwork panel to evaluate/screen for anemia, mineral/nutrient deficiencies, kidney/liver function, thyroid function, cholesterol, blood sugar status, and inflammation
- GIMAP gut microbiome testing to evaluate the health of the normal flora as well as bacterial/virus/fungal/parasite overgrowth, digestive capacity, inflammation, detox support, gluten sensitivity, leaky gut, and more
- DUTCH sex + adrenal testing to evaluate how cortisol and your sex hormones are moving through your body and the ways we can specifically support those pathways
- Additional details about the above tests can be found here. *Additional/followup tests available at an added cost
- Detailed, ever-evolving holistic wellness plan
- 15% off supplements through Dr. Mona's Fullscript
It's time to take action + claim how you WANT + know your body is capable of feeling...
Body Harmony
the Energetic Exchange
*for additional CUSTOMIZED packages (added testing, additional sessions, etc)- please email me at [email protected]

I'm Dr. Mona, an integrative health practitioner with over 17 years of medical experience who specializes in hormonal wellness, root cause medicine, fertility awareness, reproductive health, and Human Design. Throughout my offerings I blend my experience + expertise in energetics combined with eastern and western medicine approaches to offer you a deeply HOLISTIC experience that honors both science + Source. My purpose + passion in this life is to guide my fellow womb holders in re-discover the sovereignty, power, and Divine wisdom that they already hold within while expanding their capacity to heal + support their bodies, hormones, and current life goals naturally + in a state of total peace, ease, and confidence so that together we can live a life FULL of power, presence, + expansion!
What clients are saying . . .

"When I saw Mona's offerings along with her background in both western + holistic health, I knew she was the missing piece I needed to start on this journey. I signed up immediately + without hesitation, and from there my expectations were only exceeded!"
Kelly, 29

“Dr. Wiggins is the most thorough, compassionate medical provider I've ever had the pleasure of working with. I've completed her 1:1 FAM mentorship, gut microbiome testing + consultation (alongside my fiance). I'm proud to say I'm living "hormone free" and I feel like a DIFFERENT PERSON."
Rebekah, 39

"Mona helped me address hormonal and gut issues I had after coming off hormonal birth control. She is very knowledgable and guided me in holistic root causes and symptoms. After 6 months of working with her I saw so much improvement in my health and I finally feel like myself again."
Sarah, 28
Dr. Mona Inbox Love
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*Disclaimer: We respect your privacy. Use this information at your own risk. This is not individualized medical advice. Please consult with your medical provider for any questions or concerns that you may have, including whether this is appropriate for you.